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Denver Sprinkler Winterization Services

The Blow Out Sprinkler System Method of Winterization for Denver Homeowners

Only One Zone at a Time is Blown Out and Then Proceeds Through All Zones

The blowout method is very effective for winterizing your sprinkler system in Denver. This approach entails blowing out each zone of the system one at a time. This ensures that no water is left behind in the pipes that could freeze and cause damage.

Contractor Hooks an air compressor to Your Irrigation System Via the Backflow Device

A contractor will attach an air compressor to your system through the backflow device. This is a vital step in using the blowout method for sprinkler winterization.

Appropriate Air Pressure for Your System is Applied

It’s important to use the correct air pressure for your specific sprinkler system. Too much pressure can cause damage to your system – which is one of the reasons it makes sense to have a qualified pro do your blowout. The contractor will adjust the air compressor to match the appropriate pressure for your system.

Contractor Begins Blowing out Sprinkler Zones Starting with the Farthest One First

The blowout process begins with the contractor starting at the farthest sprinkler zone. This approach ensures that all water is effectively removed from the pipes before moving on to the next zone.

Only One Zone at a Time is Blown Out – All Zones Cycled Through

As mentioned earlier, each zone is blown out one at a time. The contractor will cycle through all zones until the entire system is free of water.

Your Sprinkler Controller is Turned Off

Once the blowout process is complete, the contractor will turn off your sprinkler controller. This step helps to prevent any potential issues during the winter months.

Your Sprinkler’s Water Line is Drained

After all zones have been blown out, the contractor will then drain your sprinkler’s water line. This ensures that no water is left in the main water line, which could also freeze and cause damage.

Turn Off the Valve to Your Sprinkler Line

The final step in the blowout sprinkler system method is to turn off the valve to your sprinkler line. This ensures that no water can enter the system during the winter months, further protecting your pipes from freezing damage. By following these steps, your sprinkler system in Denver will be well-prepared for the cold season.

The Series of Steps Involved in Winterizing a Sprinkler System

Risks of Not Winterizing Your Sprinkler System

Broken Irrigation Pipes

Failing to winterize your sprinkler system in Denver, Colorado, can lead to broken irrigation pipes. When water remains inside the pipes, it can freeze and expand during cold weather, causing the pipes to crack or burst. It is crucial to empty and protect the pipes by performing a blowout to prevent such damage.

Damaged Sprinkler Heads

Neglecting to winterize your sprinkler system can also result in damaged sprinkler heads. Freezing water in the system can exert pressure on the sprinkler heads, leading to malfunction or breakage. It is essential to properly drain and protect the sprinkler heads to avoid costly repairs or replacements.

Broken Valves and Backflow Devices

Sprinkler valves can crack and fail when water inside them freezes. Furthermore, backflow devices that prevent contaminated water from entering the main water supply may also break due to frozen water. To avoid these issues, you should shut off the water supply at the main valve and winterize the backflow preventer in accordance with recommended procedures.

The Importance of Hiring a Professional Denver Contractor to Do Your Sprinkler Winterization

Proper sprinkler winterization in Denver is crucial for maintaining a healthy sprinkler system. Hiring a professional Denver contractor ensures the job gets done accurately and safely. These experts have the skills, tools, and knowledge to protect your sprinkler system from freezing temperatures.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does Sprinkler Winterization Cost in Denver, Colorado?

The cost of sprinkler winterization can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the size of your sprinkler system and the company you choose. This source provides information about the general cost of winterizing a sprinkler system, which ranges from $50 to $150. Keep in mind that prices in Denver may differ from national averages.

What are the Benefits of Professional Sprinkler Winterization?

Professional sprinkler winterization offers several key benefits. First, it eliminates the risk of damage to your sprinkler system due to freezing, which can lead to costly repairs. Additionally, professionals have the right equipment and expertise to properly winterize your system, ensuring that it is ready for use in the spring.

Can I Winterize My Own Sprinkler System?

While it is possible to winterize your own sprinkler system, it may not be recommended for everyone. DIY winterization can be time-consuming and requires knowledge about your specific sprinkler system. This includes understanding the main line, the proper cfm (cubic feet per minute) of air needed for your system, and how to drain or blow out all lines. Professionals have the skills and tools to handle these tasks more efficiently.

What is the Difference Between a Sprinkler Blowout and Sprinkler Winterization?

A sprinkler blowout and sprinkler winterization may seem similar, but they have some differences. A sprinkler blowout refers to using an air compressor to remove all remaining water from your irrigation system. This step reduces the risk of freezing and damage to your pipes.

Sprinkler winterization, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive process that includes the blowout in addition to other steps such as shutting down the water main and preparing the system for the colder months. It often includes inspecting and repairing any issues in your sprinkler system to ensure its proper functioning in the spring.

Sprinkler Winterization

Get Your Sprinklers and Pipes Ready for the Long, Cold Winter

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