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Denver French Drain Services

French Drains in Denver

Signs You Might Need a French Drain

Standing Water in Your Backyard that Doesn’t Drain and Never Seems to Go Away May Indicate it is Time to Install a French Drain

Landscape Erosion and Pooling

Erosion and pooling of water in your yard indicate that you have a drainage problem that may require a French drain. Excess water may be due to poor landscaping and drainage. Installing a French drain can help control groundwater and prevent further erosion, safeguarding your landscaping investments.

Foundation Walls Wet or Have Mildew Growth

Wet foundation walls or signs of mildew growth on your basement walls are red flags that you need a French drain. A French drain system helps manage water runoff and prevent flooding, ensuring your home stays dry and safe from foundation damage. Foundation repair is one of the most expensive home improvement costs with an average cost (nationally) of $4,500.  Keeping water away from your house is a must

French Drains Can Help Prevent Water From Flooding Your Basement

Grading Problems with Your Yard

If your yard has improper grading, it may not allow water to flow away from your home efficiently. Grading issues can lead to pooling of water near your home’s foundation, increasing the risk of water damage. A French drain installation can solve this problem by regrading your yard and directing water away from your foundation and preventing water intrusion.

French Drain Benefits

An Overview of French Drain Installation in Denver Metro

Carry Water Away From Your Foundation and Neighboring Properties

French drains are an effective way to manage water runoff and prevent flooding in your yard or basement. By guiding excess water away from the home, this drainage system can reduce damage to your foundation and protect neighboring properties from potential water damage. Properly installed French drains can help homeowners avoid costly repairs due to water damage. Denver homeowners can find guidelines from the City of Denver to efficiently manage water runoff in the area.

Prevent Pooling on Your Property

Standing water on your property can lead to various issues like erosion, mosquito infestations, and unhealthy conditions for plants. French drains can help prevent pooling by collecting water in trenches lined with permeable material like gravel or porous rock. As a result, water is guided away from the surface, reducing the risk of pooling and providing better drainage for your property.

Prevent Erosion from Running Water

Erosion is a common problem faced by property owners due to water runoff. French drains can mitigate erosion by slowing down the flow of water. The trenches and permeable materials used in these systems help to collect and safely disperse the water, preventing it from carving channels in your landscape or causing erosion around your foundation. This helps maintain the structural integrity of your property and keeps your landscape looking healthy and well-maintained.

Low Maintenance Drainage Solution Once Installed

French drains are a low-maintenance option for managing water runoff and drainage in your property. Once installed correctly, these systems require minimal upkeep. The materials used in French drains, such as gravel and porous rock, allow water to flow freely without clogging or obstructing the system. This means you won’t have to spend excessive time or resources maintaining your French drain, making it a practical and efficient drainage solution for your property.

How A Denver Contractor Installs French Drains

Ensure Proper Slope and Grade Yard if Needed

A Denver contractor starts by assessing the yard. They check the slope to ensure water flows away from the home. If needed, they grade the yard to create the right slope.

Dig a Trench for the French Drain

Next, they dig a trench where the French drain will go. The trench should be deep and wide enough to fit the pipe and gravel. Typically the trench is 18-24 inches deep and around a foot wide. They also make sure the trench has a slight slope for proper drainage.

Add Gravel to the Trench

After digging the trench, the contractor adds a layer of gravel to the bottom. This layer helps with drainage and prevents the pipe from sinking into the soil.

Install Perforated Pipe Wrapped in Drain Sleeve

The contractor places a perforated pipe inside the trench. They also wrap the pipe in a drain sleeve, which filters out dirt and debris to avoid pipe clogs.

Cover Pipe with Pea Gravel

Once the pipe is in place, the contractor covers it with pea gravel. This type of gravel allows water to flow through easily while supporting the pipe.

Replace Dirt in Trench

Finally, the contractor fills the trench with pea gravel and then places excavated sod on top of the drain. The French drain is now in place and ready for duty to help with water runoff in your yard.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Still Need a Sump Pump if I Have a French Drain?

Yes, you still need to utilize a sump pump to prevent water from seeping into your basement.  The good news is that by channeling water away from your house, the amount of work that your sump pump has to do to keep water from accumulating is greatly reduced.  As a result, the lifespan of your sump pump will likely be considerably longer than it would be if you didn’t have a French Drain. 

You Will Still Need Your Sump Pump Even if You Have a French Drain – the Two Work Together to Keep Your Foundation Dry

During periods of excessively heavy rainfall, the French Drain and sump pump are a highly effective team that do an excellent job of keeping water away from your house.

Unfortunately, some storms cause power failures, which will cause your sump pump to stop working if you don’t have a generator.  Fortunately, your French Drain is always working hard to divert water away – which will likely reduce the chances of basement flooding even if your sump pump is inoperable.

How Much Does It Cost to Install a French Drain in Denver?

The cost of installing a French drain in Denver can vary depending on several factors, such as the size and complexity of the project. It is important to obtain several estimates from local professionals to find the best value for your specific needs. French drains are an investment that can help protect your foundation and yard from water damage. For more information on French drain pricing, check out this article which discusses prices ranging anywhere from $500 for very small jobs up to $18,000 for extremely complex jobs. While French drains aren’t inexpensive, they can save you from the extremely high cost of foundation repair.

Are There Local Regulations for French Drain Installs in Colorado?

It is essential to be aware of any local regulations and codes related to French drain installations in Colorado. Some areas may require permits or have specific requirements regarding the design and materials used for French drains. Fortunately, your contractor should be well versed in any permitting requirements in your Denver Metro community and can guide you through the process.

How Much Maintenance Does a French Drain Require?

Typically, French drains require minimal maintenance. Regularly removing debris and checking for signs of clogging can help keep your system functioning optimally. It is important to ensure that the flow of water is not obstructed, and that the perforated pipe and gravel remain free of sediment and other blockages.

French Drains tend to last a long time without much upkeep – so French drain repairs are rarely needed.  One of the biggest enemies of a French Drain are tree roots.  Tree roots have can sometimes penetrate the pipe and clog the drain, resulting in required French drain repair for that section of pipe.

What Is the Proper Depth of a French Drain?

The optimal depth for a French drain can vary depending on the local environment and specific requirements of your project. However, as a general guideline, it is common to dig a trench that is approximately 18-24 inches deep for French drains. This depth allows for adequate water flow and helps to maintain the integrity of the system.

What Materials Are Required for French Drain Installation?

French drain installations require several essential materials. A perforated pipe is placed within a gravel-filled trench, typically lined with a fabric to prevent soil particles from clogging the pipe. A thick layer of rocks and gravel is placed on top of the pipe to help facilitate water flow and support the drain structure.

French Drains

Interested in Getting a French Drain to Channel Water Away From the House and Keep Water from Pooling? We Can Help!

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