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Denver Flower Beds & Planters

Benefits of Flower Beds and Planter Boxes in Denver

Enhanced Curb Appeal

Adding flower beds and planter boxes to a home can greatly improve its curb appeal. Beautiful, well-maintained gardens and yards draw attention and create a welcoming atmosphere. The variety of flowers, colors, and designs available make it easy for homeowners to customize their outdoor spaces, showcasing their unique taste and style. Proper selection of plants also helps support local ecosystems, attracting beneficial insects and creating a natural, balanced environment.

Increasing Property Value

A well-cared-for garden not only adds beauty but can also boost a property’s value. Expertly designed and installed flower beds or planter boxes demonstrate the homeowner’s commitment to maintaining their home and can create a sense of pride within the neighborhood. Additionally, a well-planned garden can help reduce energy costs by providing shade and directing cool air towards the house during hot summer months.

Flower Bed and Planter Box Installation

Pro Planter Box Construction – DIY is Possible, but it Requires the Right Tools, Time and Expertise

Designing Your Perfect Flower Bed

A well-designed flower bed adds beauty and charm to any landscape. Start by choosing the right soil for your plants, as it plays a vital role in their health and growth. Next, consider the layout and design of the flower bed to blend with your existing landscape. The use of planter boxes can add depth and variety to your flower bed design. These boxes come in various materials, with cedar being a popular choice due to its durability and natural resistance to pests and rot.

When selecting plants, consider their light, water, and soil requirements. Choose a mix of colors, heights, and textures to create visual interest and balance. Group plants with similar needs to make maintenance easier and ensure their optimal growth.


Proper installation is crucial for the success of your flower bed or planter box project. Begin by preparing the area, removing weeds, rocks, and debris. For raised garden beds, ensure the site is level and has good drainage.

Constructing a planter box requires quality materials and precise measurements – and a lot of skill to get the job done right. Untreated cedar is an excellent material choice, as it withstands the elements and has a natural, attractive appearance. Assemble the box according to the design and size you’ve chosen, then place it in your desired location.

Once the planter box is in place, fill it with the appropriate soil mixture for your chosen plants. To promote healthy growth, consider incorporating organic matter and compost into the soil.

Plant Selection for Denver

Native and Adapted Plants for Denver, Colorado

Selecting plants for your garden bed in Denver can be a challenging task. It is wise to choose native and adapted plants that thrive in the local Colorado climate. These plants have naturally evolved to handle weather conditions, pests, and nearby wildlife. This approach not only ensures a healthy garden but also supports local ecosystems. See the Denver Water video below for some inspiration for flowering plant ideas.

Denver Water’s Advice on Perfect Plants for Colorado’s Front Range That Require Very Little Water

Select Plants with Different Blooming Cycles

To keep your Denver garden vibrant throughout the year, choose plants with varying blooming cycles. This way, your garden will have constantly blooming flowers, creating visual interest and a sense of life. Take note of the blooming times for each plant and try to pick plants that will bloom in different months. Here’s a brief sample of flowering plants that ensure fairly consistent blooming in your planter box.


Blooming Time




Spring – Summer

Black-Eyed Susan

Summer – Fall

Annual and Perennial Flowers

To build a dynamic garden, incorporate both annual and perennial flowers. Annuals, like marigolds and snapdragons, grow and bloom for only one season. Once they have completed their life cycle, they will need to be replaced with new seeds or seedlings.

Perennials, on the other hand, will return year after year. Examples of perennials that thrive in Denver’s climate include echinacea and yarrow. Mixing these types of flowers can create a balance between the constant presence of perennials and the burst of color from annuals. This way, you can maintain a stunning and healthy garden for years to come.

Best Time to Plant Flowers in Denver

Denver’s climate suits a wide range of plants. To ensure a thriving garden, it’s vital to pick the right time for planting. In Denver, the best time to plant flowers is typically late April to early May, after the last frost. Keep in mind that the last frost will vary greatly based on not only weather conditions, but also elevation.

Peak bloom time varies depending on the weather, with cooler temperatures leading to later blooms and warmer temperatures resulting in earlier ones.

Before planting, it’s crucial to prepare the soil. Denver’s soil often has high clay content, but many plants can thrive in these conditions. Amend the soil with compost to improve drainage and add nutrients. Choosing plants that are well-suited to Colorado’s soil, such as Salvia ‘May Night’, can also lead to better results.

Irrigation is key for a healthy flower bed in Denver. The city’s semi-arid climate calls for a balance between providing enough water and preventing over-watering. Installing a drip irrigation system can save water and ensure that plants receive the right amount of moisture. Additionally, including a layer of mulch over the soil can help to conserve water and keep plant roots cool.

Drainage is another important consideration. Proper drainage helps prevent diseases, root rot, and other issues linked to excessive moisture. Creating raised planter boxes, incorporating gravel into the soil, and selecting plants with good drainage requirements can all aid in maintaining a thriving flower bed.

Maintaining Your Flower Beds and Planter Boxes

Watering, Pruning, Weeding

Proper irrigation is vital for healthy flower beds and planter boxes. Ensure regular watering to keep plants hydrated. Prune plants to maintain their shape and promote growth. Remove weeds to prevent them from competing with your plants for nutrients.


Fertilize your garden beds and planter boxes to provide essential nutrients for plant growth. Choose the right type of fertilizer based on your plants’ needs. Apply it according to the recommended schedule to avoid over-fertilization.

Pest Control

Monitor your flower beds and planter boxes for signs of pests. Take necessary measures to control infestations, including using natural remedies or chemical treatments. Always follow the product instructions for safe and effective pest control.

Planter Box Inspection and Upkeep

Inspect your planter boxes for signs of wear and tear. Check for proper drainage to prevent waterlogging and potential plant damage. Repair any damages to ensure the longevity and function of your planter boxes. Maintain the color and appearance of your boxes to keep your garden looking fresh and vibrant.

Why You Should Hire a Local Denver Contractor to Build Your Planting Area

When it comes to creating a beautiful planting area in Denver, hiring a local professional is the best choice. They have the knowledge and expertise to design and build raised garden beds that suit the unique climate and soil conditions of the region.

One reason to choose a contractor is their familiarity with Denver’s climate. They understand the challenges that come with planting in this area, such as the fluctuating temperatures, unexpected early snows, and limited rainfall. They can recommend the right plants to ensure a thriving garden that is suited for local conditions.

Another important factor is their experience with soil types and drainage. Denver has a variety of soil types, ranging from clay to sandy and loamy soils. A local contractor can advise you on the best materials and designs for your specific planting needs, ensuring proper drainage and plant health.

By working with a local professional, you also get access to in-person consultations. This allows you to discuss your ideas and receive personalized advice on the design and execution of your planting area. A local expert can assess your outdoor space and provide tailored recommendations based on factors like sunlight, terrain, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Cost of Installing a Flower Bed in Colorado?

The cost of installing a flower bed in Colorado depends on various factors such as materials, labor, and project size. It is crucial to consider these aspects when budgeting for your garden bed installation as prices may vary.

What Plant Species are Ideal for the Denver climate?

Selecting suitable plants for your flower bed is essential, especially in the Denver metro area, where the weather can affect plant growth significantly. Some ideal plant species for the Denver climate include:

  • Colorado Blue Columbine
  • Pasque Flower
  • Rocky Mountain Penstemon
  • Golden Currant
  • Blue Mist Spirea

These species are well-suited for the variable weather conditions and can thrive in Colorado’s soil and climate.

Are There Local Regulations for Flower Bed Construction in Denver?

There may be local regulations in Denver regarding flower bed construction and landscaping projects. These regulations could include restrictions on the maximum height of raised beds, proper drainage, setbacks, and other zoning requirements.

It is essential to consult your local municipality or planning office to understand any applicable regulations and obtain necessary permits (if necessary) before constructing your flower bed. Your contractor will guide you through this process and will help to ensure that your project is compliant and will contribute to the overall beauty and sustainability of local landscapes.

Flower Beds and Planter Boxes

Make Your Yard Pop with Perennials That Have Alternating Flowering Cycles

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