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Aurora Landscaping Services

The Best Landscapers Near You in Aurora

About Aurora

Denver Landscaping Lynx Can Get You in Touch with a Landscaping Company to Transform Your Aurora Property

A Brief History of Aurora

Aurora was originally established in the late 1800s, primarily serving as a home to military personnel stationed at nearby bases. Over time, the city expanded, and today it is a thriving and diverse community with a rich cultural heritage.

Aurora Location

Aurora, Colorado, is the third largest city in the state. It is conveniently located within close proximity to Denver, which allows residents and visitors easy access to a wide variety of attractions, amenities, and outdoor activities.

Things to Do and See in Aurora

Aurora offers an array of things to do, ranging from outdoor activities to cultural experiences – like the Aurora History Museum. The city boasts a wide array of parks and open spaces, perfect for hiking, picnics, and leisurely strolls.

Five public golf courses, including Saddle Rock and Meadow Hills are extremely popular among the golf community.

Aurora Landscaping Resources

Aurora, Colorado, has a high-desert climate with less than 15 inches of water annually. This makes water-wise landscaping important for the area. The city of Aurora recommends limiting high-water turf grass to residential backyards where people gather and play.

Aurora Official Website and Links to Landscaping Information

Aurora Water helps ensure that landscapes are healthy and efficient. Both residential and commercial customers need a permit for lawn installations, enlargements, and automated sprinkler or irrigation systems. Be sure to check out the City of Aurora’s residential landscaping page and to follow the general landscaping standards to adhere to the city’s guidelines.

Local Climate in Aurora

Aurora, Colorado, experiences a semi-arid climate suitable for various landscaping styles. This city sees distinct seasons, with hot summers and cold, snowy winters. The local climate influences landscaping choices, as plants must tolerate variations in temperature and precipitation.

Xeriscaping is a popular landscaping option in Aurora, focusing on water conservation and efficient plant selection. This eco-friendly approach uses drought-tolerant, native plants that require minimal maintenance. Xeriscape designs are both functional and visually appealing, blending these water-saving principles with the aesthetics of modern landscape designs.

A landscaping ordinance in Aurora requires specific landscaping elements for residential and commercial properties to comply with local climate and ecological concerns. Homeowners and landscapers in the area must balance aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability when creating outdoor spaces. These regulations promote water efficiency and environmentally responsible practices while maintaining attractive yards for homeowners.

Adopting xeriscaping techniques is an excellent way to meet Aurora’s landscaping requirements, reduce water usage, and maintain beautiful outdoor spaces. The local climate calls for well-planned landscapes that can withstand the area’s weather conditions while saving resources and maintaining functionality.

Native and Adapted Plants and Trees

Landscaping with Colorado native plants offers several benefits. These plants thrive in the local climate, soils, and environment, reducing external inputs. This approach supports natural landscaping and design in Aurora, Colorado.

Native and Adapted Plants and Trees do Well in Aurora

Trees native to Colorado that are appropriate for the Colorado Front Range include (to name a few): Colorado Blue Spruce, Plains Cottonwood, Rocky Mountain Juniper. These trees provide shade, improve air quality, and require less maintenance than non-native species.

Native plants adapt well to different life zones. For example, the Plains life zone at 3,500 to 5,500 feet is home to grasslands and streamside cottonwoods. Incorporating these plants into landscape designs can create a balanced ecosystem.

To succeed with native plants and trees, consider these tips:

  • Choose plants for specific sites: Consider sunlight, water requirements, and soil type to ensure healthy growth.
  • Incorporate mulch: Using organic mulch conserves water, controls weeds, and reduces erosion.
  • Group plants: Cluster plants with similar water needs together to conserve water and simplify irrigation.

The City of Aurora provides resources for choosing water-wise plants, including native species. Combining this knowledge with professional landscape designers ensures an attractive, sustainable yard in Aurora, Colorado.

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Denver Landscaping Lynx





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